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Winter Revival

  • First Assembly of God 107 North Stanley Street Bixby, OK, 74008 United States (map)

Join us for 4 days of seeking God for “Greater Things”!

Our guest evangelist, Doug Eccles, has been evangelizing the world for over 20 years through Holy Ghost Celebration Ministries. While he has been used powerfully around the United States, challenging and edifying the local church, HGCM has two other areas of ministry.

  • Water Wells
    In Haiti the need for clean water is wide-spread. A majority of all fresh water sources have been polluted due to the poor sanitation systems. More than half the deaths in Haiti are due to water-borne diseases. With this in mind HGCM are drilling wells every month to help the hundreds of thousands affected by lack of safe drinking water. Many of the wells are being drilled on church property making the local church the place where the whole city goes for water. At other times we have been asked by the mayor and local officials if we can help with bringing clean water to their cities.

  • Mass Evangelism
    HGCM has one dream – SOULS. One of the most effective ways HGCM reaches the lost is through mass evangelism. More than one million have come to Christ in coliseum and open air meetings. These meetings are marked by healing of the sick and deliverance to the bound.

February 6

Winter Revival

February 10

Men's Breakfast